Friday, July 14, 2017


One of the amazing and cheerful moment of life has been always remembered as School life. School life has been best period of entire life. Do you agree with that or not? School days has been somehow exciting as well as frightening. We carry a heavy bag with lot of books. Each book are covered with different name tag, request parents for different pencil bags and boxes. That morning assembly, different programs and participating in programs has made my school life outstanding.

Sometime getting afraid of teacher, if they would ask questions when we has not prepared. Class 9 and 10 has been one of the favorite, best and memorable class. Pressure for exams, buying solution books, SLC sets for practice was difficult during that period. Now when you see that books while teaching your little brothers and sisters, it seems very easy and solved fast. It makes you to laugh silently, isn’t it? All are focused for SLC exams and maintain their hard work to secure good marks at exam.

Respectful teachers, paaledai, aayadidi are missed. Canteen foods are delicious. Moments with friends, sharing a good as well as bad deed with best friends are always remembered. Cracking jokes, making fun of teachers, getting punishment by whole class are remarkable. When there is a gathering of schools friends and remembering that period makes fluent laugh and takes back to those days. Farewell program conducted to felicitate student has been epic during these days. Medals, flower garland and certificate has been decorated in wall of students.

I think school life is golden period of life. Hope everybody has enjoyed their school life.  

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